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Turiddo Bonazzi

In today's world, we often see people distancing themselves from their essence, being only “what they can be” in life and in their profession.

It is an old discussion, but very current, well portrayed by a phrase from Hamlet in the homonymous play by William Shakespeare, “to be or not to be, that is the question”.

Without a shadow of a doubt, many of the social and organizational values ​​are in check, that is, they are being questioned by a world in constant evolution and that calls for a plural society, based on positive purposes and aggregators of value to the parts that integrate them, without fail to respect the individualities of its members.

For this, individually, this scenario has been demanding that we go beyond the conventions and perceptions observed until then, as it requires the opportunity to explore and understand new concepts and to visualize the world with "new eyes", developing values ​​and beliefs more coherent with a plural society, higher in terms of a collective conscience that considers and respects individualities, which extends to organizations.

It is worth remembering that the essence of a person is represented by his way of thinking and acting, in what he values, in what he believes, given the particularized understanding of the world that surrounds him, as well as interrelating with the environment, paving, in this way, , the path and, therefore, the destiny, positive or not, of life and profession.

It is worth mentioning that the destination, the place where you want to arrive, where the person will best fit in, will be a reflection of what he has built with his values, beliefs and attitudes throughout his journey, so much so that James Baldwin, novelist, stated that “ the place I will fit in will not exist until I create it myself.”

Carl Jung, psychotherapist and founder of analytical psychology, said that “until a person becomes conscious, the unconscious will direct his life and the person will call it destiny”.

Considering this, it is imperative to focus on self-knowledge, since it is the door that leads people to analyze and re-signify beliefs and values, overcoming conditioning and adopting new positions and practices that are more coherent with a more evolved society in terms of socio-emotional awareness and maturity. professional.

In turn, Matthew, in a biblical saying, wisely said that “a good tree cannot bear bad fruit; nor does the bad tree bear good fruit”, which reinforces the understanding that each one reaps what he sows, according to his essence, determining his destiny in direct function of the cause and effect relationship.

There is another proverb, written in the pocket book Minutos de Sabedoria, by C. Torres Pastorino, which well identifies, by analogy, what it would be like to reach a higher stage of essence, representing by high positive character, which I base myself to write this conjecture , when he states that “light, even reflected in a swamp, does not get dirty”.

Taking advantage of Carl Jung a little more, it is enlightening when he says that “whoever looks inside wakes up and whoever looks outside dreams”, and the union of these two aspects are more than useful, they are essential to determine the resources to use and visualization. of the path that leads to a healthy destination and that adds value to the person and the parties involved, both in the social and organizational environment.

In this way, it is essential to understand that the future of each one, represented by the destination or objective to be achieved, including within organizations, in a combined way with technical competences, depends, fundamentally, on decisions and actions in the present, especially with regard to awakening , respect and improve values, beliefs and understandings, placing themselves in a higher evolutionary range than they were before, given the expansion of the perception of the world, knowledge and awareness acquired in this journey.

This conjecture is closely related to the concept of spirituality in organizations, as it arises from recognizing that individuals have their own inner life, with values, beliefs, feelings and particularized perceptions that direct the positioning of individuals in the most diverse life situations. and in the profession.

In turn, the individual, when reaching a higher level of consciousness and development, will have paved, with security and merit, the path that will reflect in a better adaptation between the “I” and the “WE”, in order to know better how to live. and living in a society that really values ​​the principles of Freedom, Equality, Respect and Collaboration, which goes beyond the question of “to be or not to be” going far beyond “what can be”.

Always forward.

Turiddo Bonazzi is Director, Executive Mentor/Coach and Lecturer Consultant at Evolutium- Desenvolvimento Humano e Empresarial and columnist for Gente Mais Portal.

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