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Gente Mais

Updated: Jul 26, 2022

Knowing how to manage the risks that are related to the working day is important so that accidents are avoided. So that hours and days of productivity are not lost, it is necessary to establish analyzes and methods that control and monitor the stages of work, from planning to operation.

To this end, several studies were developed that use psychology and the analysis of human behavior to promote safety in the various areas of professional activity.

It is important that the employees themselves carry out analyzes and give feedback on the tasks performed, pointing out their difficulties and skills required in each process, so that superiors are aware and there is a communication policy in each sector, so that the number of complications is reduced. , since decision making is based on data collection.

In addition, this type of behavior, in addition to reducing the number of accidents and injuries, allows employees to be safer, reducing costs, failures and increasing the team's commitment to safety at all stages of work.

Knowing how to manage emotions, knowledge and time is also a great tool for those who want to increase safety at work, as this management helps them make more cautious decisions and focus on processes without unforeseen events and accidents.

Therefore, an in-depth understanding of human behavior is essential for the good performance of teams and employees who wish to preserve safe and effective productivity.

Gente Mais can help you train teams at a personal and professional level, so that the development of human behavior is a constant element in everyday life.

Isabelle Apolinário, intern Gente Mais, under the guidance of journalist Thayná Fogaça.

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