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Alvaro Adam

Speak Champion!

When we talk about leadership, a person in a leadership position immediately comes to mind.

In fact, leadership is not a position, but how people see you.

Sometimes the leader of the company is not the CEO, but a manager who inspires people with his attitude and dedication.

When I talk about leadership, we need to be aware of the 4 absolute pillars of a great leader.

In all mentorships I show this to future leaders and together we chart this path.

The 4 pillars of leadership are:

1. Vision. Vision is where you want to go, it's what you want to accomplish. When you have a clear vision and communicate this to the team, they will be aware of the way forward and where the leader wants to go.

2. Reality. It is important to have clarity of reality. Investing in reality is often leaving the air-conditioned room to actually go into the field to understand the process. Having clarity of vision is important, but so is knowing where you are.

3. Ethics. One of the fundamental pillars. Ethics is the value set of a leader. All our decisions are based on our values. We must never break new values. A leader with strong values ​​will always be admired.

4. Energy. Having energy is critical to building a winning company or team. Knowing how to dose, when to be more energetic or when to take your hand is essential for growth. Many times you will have to dedicate yourself more when you want to get to that special place.

Today I brought you the 4 pillars of leadership and I hope they can strengthen your career and your business.

If you want to know more about my work, send an email to or follow me on the networks @ALVAROADAMOFICIAL

My mission is to put you and your business at the top of the Podium.

Alvaro Adam is a Specialist in Professional High Performance and columnist for Gente Mais Portal.

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