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Diana Ceolim

“We must not allow anyone to leave our presence without feeling better and happier.”

Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

Unfortunately, countless people spend their entire lives trying to be happy. They feed the idea that when they achieve what they want they will be happy. But unfortunately it doesn't happen and they start to create a new problem: negativity. People who, in the face of any challenge, choose the dark, turbulent and difficult path. Faced with any maladjustment, he encounters a new difficulty. People who can easily contaminate those around them. People who feed the mind not to think, not to do, to be destructive and negative. Our brain has great power in decision making, I will also present a way to evolve and achieve goals by leaving this framework and taking off to the next level with happiness and great success.

Unfortunately, many business, family or personal dreams cease to exist or remain in the drawer for long years, due to several factors being the precursor valve of this impediment, among them the lack of financial condition elected as one of the great objectives that prevent the realization and leaves countless people on the verge of disappointment and frustration. Second: it is the negativity to reach the dreamed goal. Well, you know that cake recipe? Half a recipe doesn't make half a cake. We spend our whole lives finding reasons to write that when I fulfill such a dream, I will be very happy. When I reach a dream income, I will be happy; by improving the team I will be happy; when I acquire a new franchise I will be happy and so it goes. But unfortunately it is not so.

We are one human being, composed of three pillars (physical, mental and spiritual health), but when one of these pillars is not well, the other ends up being harmed and so the domino effect takes over.

As a child, I watched what other people did and, frustrated, I kept imagining that when I grew up I would be very successful and then I would be able to acquire what I wanted to do and what others did and, therefore, be happy. So I thought that joining the school and meeting the obligations escalating each year would be one of the solutions and everything would be ok and ready, success would be in my hands. One more frustration. And so, he continued, various frustrations and accumulations of disappointments take on a gigantic proportion and our brain that has the power to command ends up being contaminated by this destructive, negative and toxic process.

As a child, I watched what other people did and, frustrated, I kept imagining that when I grew up I would be very successful and then I would be able to acquire what I wanted to do and what others did and, therefore, be happy. So I thought that joining the school and meeting the obligations escalating each year would be one of the solutions and everything would be ok and ready, success would be in my hands. One more frustration. And so, he continued, various frustrations and accumulations of disappointments take on a gigantic proportion and our brain that has the power to command ends up being contaminated by this destructive, negative and toxic process.

One of the biggest mistakes of the Human Being is the comparison. There are people who spend their whole lives researching social networks, content, images, results to compare themselves with. Leaving aside your talent, your potential, your creativity, your time and the most precious, your mind and its power. Big mistake. While we wait for success to come through comparison, we generate frustrations, disappointments and resign ourselves to the situation, reminding us of the external dialogues in the sayings that it is normal.

The expectation of the dream seems to be postponed, a cycle that passes from father to son, from generation to generation. The normal happened in an uncomfortable way, where exploring the potential was limited, the rule prevailed. So far you can go, come and stay. The amazing thing is to accept that it's good, it's cool, we call it today the Comfort Zone, which is nothing more than a sequence of actions, intentions, internal dialogues and behaviors that a person is used to having and that do not cause him any kind of strangeness, fear, anxiety or risk. It is the moment, situation or state where there is no threat, or rather where the human being does not feel threatened and is calm.

According to Aaron Beck (2010) – psychiatrist – father of behavioral psychology, he says that a negative person has the power to contaminate their negativity to a large group. Therefore, when someone absorbs this negativity from others, it ends up harming their day-to-day performance.

Neuroscience studies and explains that the brain is one of the focuses, which is related to a very complex system and that research related to it is surprising due to the power it has and all the complex that surrounds it. So my decisions are based on this principle. Of course, my actions are interference in this movement.

Therefore, the logic of connection is involved in all our success. Easy to understand: the environment I live is what reflects on my success. Therefore, the pillars of our health can be responsible for our happiness that will result in success. And that our behavior towards all this connection is significant for the results to be achieved and who commands our actions is our brain, so it has great power.

Diana Ceolin is a Speaker, Mentor, Entrepreneur and Public Servant

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