In the group that I manage together with two friends, an advertisement was inserted about a position in a supermarket chain. The brother of a good friend applied and was contacted for an interview, initially remote. Carlos (fictitious name) was interviewed at the scheduled time and the interviewer's behavior was not kind, with many questions accompanied by smiles out of context, and unnecessary questions about his mental state. Carlos is now 50 years old, in good health, coping well with his problem, has a university degree and doesn't mind working in areas that don't require higher education, he just wants to productively occupy his time. Upon contacting him, he commented that he did not want to attend the face-to-face interview, as he was quite upset with the humiliation he had just witnessed.
It is not understandable that in our days prejudice still exists with people who should be treated with dignity, respect, patience, affection, in addition to being welcomed and accompanied if they are hired so that they can develop professionally and happily contribute to the contracting company. Professionals in the area of Recruitment and Selection must be prepared to interview people and especially PCD, leaving aside prejudice, arrogance, arrogance and other adjectives that we cannot highlight. When the company decides to hire PCD, it is commendable, but it is necessary that they are prepared and gather all the skills so that the quality of life, solidarity, fraternity, humanism, education take place in all phases of the hiring process and the work of the professional.
This is an outburst, YES, as I followed this situation closely and I hope that Carlos quickly finds an opportunity in the market and, HAPPY and not SAD, develops receiving a lot of affection from everyone, as he deserves a lot.
Pedro Morbach is Head and Job Hunter, Director of Pedro Morbach Training and Events, Motivational Speaker and columnist for Gente Mais Portal.