Much is said about the positive points of leadership, the way to behave, how to engage the team, but after all... how is leadership seen from the eyes of employees?

Throughout our lives we have had leaders: When we are little, our parents are our leaders, as they encourage us to learn new things, take the first steps towards the future and survive in this new world that we are entering.
When young, our leaders are our teachers, as they teach us and hone our preferences and skills through the knowledge acquired in school, college and etc.
And in this transition from youth to adulthood, we have other leaders: Our managers in the corporate environment. Leaders are the first people who reach out and say, "I can help, let's do this together."
For us followers, leaders are our source of encouragement and inspiration. If you want to know if a certain person is a good leader, look at his followers, they are a mirror of his work.
According to the survey carried out with the people led by Gente Mais, we reached the following conclusion:
- "Leaders are people who manage to reconcile the company's needs with our own needs, making our talents more and more exploited and we can be challenged". (Luana Turri - Videomaker)
- "Leaders are our point of escape and balance: Escape because, when we are in some difficulty, they are the ones we ask for support, they are our greatest confidants and mentors. Balance, as they constantly assess our performance and show us where we should rely so that we have high-performance production that will benefit all fields" (Thayná Fogaça - Communication)
- "Leadership is the ability to see beyond, that is to say. See not only the process that leads you to success, but the people who are part of the journey.
In an essential and indispensable way, the leader must know how to manage adversity, with emotional intelligence, providing well-being and lightness in the corporate environment. This directly implies the led, who will always be a reflection of the leader". (Camila Smarito - Design instructional)
"Being a Leader is being more than a position of authority within an organization, it is being the support and guide for the team, it is what encourages them to achieve their goals and when they are achieved they celebrate together, because the result would not be possible without the effort in set". (Jhuann Lopes - commercial)
"Leadership is feeling that we are walking together. That motivates you, not simply imposing: "go there and do it!", but that is a model of how to do it in the best way.
Leader is to foster in people the will to be equal. It's awakening the feeling of wanting to be just as good. It is influencing and leading by example. They take our hand and teach us how the magic happens and are on our side to be our support and base if something doesn't go as we planned, they teach us with love". (Bhárbara Martins - Commercial)
"The Leader must engage the team without losing focus, as this is our objective. He is a person who guides us, both professionally and personally, he influences us positively so that we are constantly evolving and understands our needs. He does not just apply a demand to be fulfilled, he defines what must be developed according to the ability of each one and understands from the employee the importance of developing the person being led about it, the time that he will develop the work and how he will perform it. this process, he understands and assists in the object, medium and message". (Liza Gama - Instructional Design Intern)
What do all the answers have in common? I answer you: The leader is the biggest mirror of the led, this statement appeared in this article at least three times, so we can count it as an absolute truth correct? We are communicative beings and we live by references and cultures, we adapt to them and include characteristics to shape our personality.
Here's a reflection for you, leader: What are you doing today, is something that should be mirrored by your team? Are you currently a leader OF THE team or WITH the team?
But it is worth remembering, Leader, that you are not alone in this role, just as your team members have you, you have your team members. Talk to them when it's necessary, and count on them whenever you need it, you're not alone!
Let's make it worth it!
This article was organized by Thayná Fogaça, Communications Director, with the support of Luana Turri, Videomaker, Camila Smarito, Instructional design, Jhuann Lopes, commercial, Bhárbara Martins, commercial and Liza Gama, Instructional Design Intern, both members of the Gente Mais Consulting and Training.